
Please provide accurate and truthful information so our AI can generate for you the right roadmap.

First Name

Your Country

What is your goal?

 Build a large scalable tech company - This focuses on customer discovery, validation, unique value proposition, MVP development etc.
 Build a small business - This is good for a physical or local small business, or even a very small online business. Focuses on differentiation in the market.

How much time can you dedicate to this?

 I have a full time job, so only a couple of hours per day or the weekends - this gives you a VERY condensed version of the roadmap. Not recommended unless you are short on time.
 Full time, this is all I have going - RECOMMENDED! This gives you the full roadmap with multiple tasks to perform every day and module. We recommend this one.
 Not very much at all - this also gives you a condensed version of the accelerator. We recommend selecting the one above this (Full Time).

How much experience do you have in this industry you want to operate in?

 I am an expert
 Some, but not a lot
 I know nothing about this market