If you are a current accelerator member, access your roadmap here.

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Roadmap: roadmap.startup_accelerator.name

1. What does the AI instructor do?

The goal here is for you to feel like you’re sitting down with a business founder that has done this before. Our instructor is trained on launching new ventures and your idea. The AI creates a step by step plan to follow and helps you execute each step. The AI explains what the step is, why it is important (education) and then helps you complete it. The AI also performs research and can do a multitude of jobs as you stay on the path it has created for you.

2. What is the roadmap?

The roadmap, which is built in your user account in real time as you make progress, is broken down into 5 modules. These modules range from finding a suitable target market, to creating early versions of our solution to MVP creation. The roadmap is the same proven curriculum that countless new ventures have started in the past. The difference is, however, that you now have an AI that will help you understand and complete each step in this roadmap.

3. What is the cost of the AI instructor?

The AI instructor is $25 per month. You may cancel at any time.

4. Why does the instructor cost money?

It costs us a significant amount of money to power and run the AI, so we can’t offer it for free. Additionally, we’ve put a tremendous amount of resources into building and perfecting this product.

5. What is the goal here?

Our goal is to teach you the startup journey. The most important part of the startup journey are the early days. What you do with your idea and how you prove it out in the market is very important. Most people fail at this step and our goal is to teach you the correct way to prove your idea. We want to educate you each step of the way and teach you what seasoned founders do when they go from idea to MVP and beyond. From here on you will know the roadmap to follow. You’ll also have an AI to help you move any idea you have forward, as long as you are subscribed.

6. Do you offer refunds?

Since the items you are buying are digital and come with immediate delivery, we are unable to offer a refund. You may cancel your subscription at any time, so you won’t be billed again. It costs us significant money and resources to launch your AI instructor and roadmap as well. If you are unhappy with our service, please CONTACT US. Perhaps you need some tips and input on how to get the most out of your AI instructor. Give it 3 months and see if the AI is teaching you what you need, before canceling.

7. Who is behind this and how do you know about startups?

Our ABOUT PAGE tells a bit more. The small team behind this has been building startups for the past 15+ years. We also have been through a great accelerator, which is where we learned the roadmap we are sharing with you.

One of our team members actually built a unicorn (a startup worth at least $1Billion) and recently sold it. We are also angel investors in startups and we back larger venture funds. We’re passionate about helping people get started. We know entrepreneurship moves the world and people’s lives forward in amazing ways.

8. What if I need additional help?

Once you are paired with your AI instructor, you should have a wealth of knowledge and advice to tap into.
If you need additional help, reach us on the CONTACT US page and we’ll gladly talk through your idea and try to help get you on track.

9. Do you offer a way to promote my new venture to your audience?

This is coming soon. We are going to promote startups in our 200,000 reader newsletter, and we are working on partnerships with other organizations that may be able to help you as well.

10. What if I have more than one idea?

With your subscription, you can run as many ideas through the AI course as you like. There is a button in the chat that allows you to erase everything and start over. Note, you can only pursue one idea at a time – but you are able to pursue many ideas as long as you reset the chat and start again.

11. What is the newsletter?

When you register, you’ll be added to our newsletter. We typically send it 1 or 2 times per week.
It’s a fair short newsletter where we provide tips and advice on launching startups. It’s read by over 200,000 early stage entrepreneurs like you.

12. What is the Business Analysis Tool?

With your subscription, you automatically unlock our Business Analysis AI Tool. You receive 5 FREE reports per month, with your subscription. The tool provides an immediate and thorough analysis of your idea. The AI analyzes the market, competition, customer and more – 20 key points that you should consider when deciding to launch your business idea. These reports save you HOURS of research and consideration.